West Greeley: 970-339-5319
Johnstown: 970-451-5093
Denver: 303-920-1200

Personal Training Athlete Development Program
Speed + Strength + Vertical + Agility
Are you looking to become a better athlete? At The Performance and Wellness Institute, our team of professionals can help you reach your potential. Together, our team will create a sport specific, individualized workout program to help you excel as an athlete. At PWI you will experience:
Pre and Post Performance Testing
Free-weight, multi-joint complex training
Customized programs that cater to your individual needs and goals
Core strength, flexibility, balance, and stability training
Strength and power training
Speed, agility, vertical jump, and endurance training

High School Athlete Program
1, 2, 3, & 4 day per week sessions available at $18 per session
Call Ryan Wasilaski for more information @ 970.339.2670 or 303.570.3111
Ryan has trained over 200 athletes in Northern Colorado in the last 2 years including:
The 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 State Champion Eaton Volleyball Team
Long, High and Triple Jumpers on the 2015 and 2016 State Champion Eaton High School Track Team
Division I, Division II, NAIA, and Junior College athletes